Pokecrew Wiki

So I've decided to think of some honest names for the Order of Light OCs. If any of you know Honest Trailers, then you know what I'm talking about.

Man-Peach. (Teddy Ursa)

Lucina (Zula)

Totally Not a Strawberry (Strawbella)

Pacifist Wind Mage (Loren)

Hearts, Hearts, and More Hearts (Tifini)

Knuckles (Angelo)

Palutena's Wrath (Dodeca)

Blue Sedusa (Vanessa)

Red Vanessa (Minerva)

Mother Bear (Caroline)

The Woman of HeroBlast's Dreams (Darkella)

Attack of the Clones (Dark Duplicates)

Attack on Titan (Ilia and Swarma)

Fierce Passion and Pain (Flara)

Whiplash (Reisa)

The Originals (Lucas and Claus)

Colorless (Dark Queen)

Wings (Light Queen)

Fawfully Good (Kel-Kel)

Pokemon, Rated M Edition (Paige)

And The Soldier in the Spandex Suit (Mizer)
